2019_ Rhythms of the Land Trailer
Rhythms of the Land - Multimedia Film Project
By Dr. Gail P. Myers
African American farmers have been ignored and denied any real place in the agricultural history and literatures of the United States. Although Black/African American farmers have been virtually invisible from the stories of American agriculture, our African American farmers hold vast agricultural knowledge some of which today is known as sustainable agriculture. This documentary film will reveal the vast sustainable farming knowledge and experiences of African American farmers yesterday and today.
The film documentary is the brainchild of Dr. Myers, based upon her anthropological research with African American farmers. Dr. Gail Myers, cultural anthropologist has been conducting field research with African American farmers for over fifteen years and is considered the subject matter expert of African American farming knowledge, traditions, and adaptations. Dr. Gail P. Myers will be conducting interviews with African American farmers during the summer and fall of 2012. Rhythms of the Land documentary will explore the life experiences of African American farmers, introducing information for the first time about their farming traditions, knowledge, and practices.

If you know of African American farmers, who may be interested in being interviewed for the documentary, please contact Dr. Myers at 415-374-0608 or gpmyers@farmstogrow.com